Although health and healing are the common goals of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and allopathic medicine, their ideas on the etiology of disease, disease itself and the method used to regain health are decidedly different. The allopathic physician learns that disease should be cured by prescribing medicine, which kills bacteria or renders a disease ineffective; sometimes surgical intervention is really a necessity.

The major goal of TCM and Chinese medicine practitioners like is to cure someone, a doctor of TCM attempts to get this done not by treating the illness but alternatively by treating the complete person, taking into account the different attributes of a person which, when combined, take into account a person being sick or healthy. 

An individual, according to the tenets of TCM is significantly more than their pathology. While treating the pathology may yield impressive results, they're commonly temporary.

An individual isn't, according to TCM, represented solely by his/her illness, but by the accumulation of every human interaction engaged in as soon as of birth, such as the values of and the culture where the person develops. The emotional experiences, diet plan, work habits, work and living environment, personal habits and the social milieu are factors that subscribe to disease and are factors which, when modified appropriately can lead to regained health.

Though the Western scientific community has not, currently, attained a methodology to use in research of Chinese medicine, the veracity and efficaciousness of the medical modality is nonetheless proved by its long history of continued success. More than a quarter of the world's population regularly uses TCM as part of their healthcare regimen. Chinese medicine is the sole type of classical medicine, which is regularly and continuously used beyond its country of origin.